Green Party of Ontario Candidate-Nickel Belt- Stephanie-Lynn Russell

About Me

Stephanie-Lynn made the decision to make the Nickel Belt riding her home in 2007, when she relocated to the outskirts of the small town of Wahnapitae with her partner, who is currently completing his PhD in the new Living with Lakes Centre at Laurentian University. Since making her home in Northern Ontario, Stephanie-Lynn has experienced the warmth and friendliness of Northerners, and wants to give something back to her community.
Stephanie-Lynn has an undergraduate degree from the University of Guelph in Anthropology and Theatre Studies. After moving north, she completed a post-graduate diploma in Science Communication where she focused on the issue of climate change, and how communities in Northern Ontario, throughout the nation, and the world are being forced to adapt to change.
Stephanie-Lynn strongly believes in the idea that if you want to see change happen, then you must actively get involved. The Nickel Belt is a large area full of unique cultural diversity and expansive landscapes. The coexistence between industry and the environment is particularly important to the economy of the Nickel Belt. Stephanie-Lynn wants to help make sure that everyone is able to raise a healthy family, and to work in a healthy environment for many generations to come.
Sustainability has become a key value for Stephanie-Lynn. The focus is not necessarily on how best to harvest our natural resources. Importantly, sustainability must be experienced in terms of families, employment, local businesses, food systems and building strong communities.
For Stephanie-Lynn, living sustainably within one’s community is an important value, which she tries to implement in her life on a daily basis. However, as we’ve all experienced, sometimes the policies and programs of our governments frustrate our ability to live more sustainably. Stephanie-Lynn believes that change must be a priority for our government, so that individuals and families can easily choose to live more healthy lives.
It was the importance of these values which led Stephanie-Lynn to decide to become the Green Party of Ontario’s candidate in the upcoming provincial election. She believes that voters in the Nickel Belt deserve a strong values-based choice to represent their interest in Ontario’s legislature.
Stephanie-Lynn wants to make sure that Queen’s Park is aware of the specific issues affecting residents of the Nickel Belt. She is willing to stand up for the interests of your family, your business, your job, our community, and our planet.

If you have any specific issues that you would like to see addressed please feel free to contact her at:

Cell# 705-626-8728

Or follow her on Twitter: steffilynn28

Phone: 705-626-8728

5 Points for a Better Ontario

 1. Jobs- Creating Jobs for a Twenty First Century Economy

2. Energy- Harnessing Safe, Affordable Energy to Power our Communities

3. Food- Feeding our Communities by Championing Stronger Family Farms

4. Health- Promoting Access to Quality, Sustainable Health Care Close to Home

5. Good Government- Delivering Government that Works for People


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