Members and Friends of Nickel Belt,

This is a reminder notice of the meeting taking place this upcoming Thursday, 18 August to found a Green Party of Ontario constituency association in Nickel Belt.

 The meeting will commence at 8pm
and will be taking place at the Environmental Resource Centre (ERC) Meeting Room, 176 Larch Street, behind Eat Local Sudbury (entrance off of the lane way at rear of building). PLEASE NOT CHANGE IN TIME (previously 6:30).


Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario, will be attending.


Local associations, called Constituency Associations (CAs), are the mechanisms behind all successful campaigns, and are made up of local citizens filling both official (President, Chief Financial Officer, etc.) and unofficial roles.  The CA gives us a concrete foundation and will give future Green Party candidates a much needed support group. It also ensures continuation between campaigns, and creates a Green Party presence in our area year round.


Please join myself, the newly appointed candidate for Nickel Belt and other area supporters for our annual general meeting, where we will elect our local Green Party executive for the upcoming year, and discuss a direction and plans for the future.  The following roles are open, the first two being the most essential:



1. President: organizes regular meetings, builds the executive where needed, and oversees the operation of the CA
2. Chief Financial Officer: maintains the books, issues the tax receipts, and files the annual financial report

3. Secretary: takes and distributes the minutes from the meetings.

4. Membership: maintains relationships with members; creates plan to build membership

5. Fundraising: maintains cash flow; organizes fundraising events

6. Organizing: prepares for upcoming elections, coordinates campaign team

7. Communications: builds relations with media and maintains CA’s visibility; ensures CA press releases are sent to appropriate people and that constituents hear about and see the GPO in their riding


Everyone is welcome to observe the meeting, but you need to be a paid-up member of the party 14 days prior to the meeting and a resident of the constituency to run for a position or to vote. If you’re a lapsed member, you’re welcome to renew that night to reacquire voting privileges. 


Please RSVP to Stephanie-Lynn Russell at or 705-626-8728 if you plan to attend, indicating in your message if you would like to hold a role on the Constituency Association.


We look forward to seeing you there!