Green Party of Ontario Candidate

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Inspiring the North-Inspiring the World

Posted by Stephanie-Lynn Russell on Monday, August 29, 2011,

What you may not know about the Vale Living with Lakes Centre:

I will be openly honest about my bias in this blog.  My life-partner has spent the last four years of our life researching for the Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit, and so I have spent a lot of time hearing about the new Vale Living with Lakes Centre.  Needless to say excitement is generated when you hear about something that interests you for a long time, and to finally see pieces of it start to come together.  On August 25, ...

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From the Green Spectrum

Posted by Stephanie-Lynn Russell on Monday, August 15, 2011,

Will we be forced back to horse and buggy?

I live in the Nickel Belt and I want to take the bus.  The problem is that I live on the outskirts of Wahnapitae, and there is no bus service this far out.  Every day that I drive into the city of Sudbury I think to myself that there must be a better way. 

During my drive I wonder how long it would take me to ride my bike (I believe if I was in top shape it would take 3 hours one way), or if I could not ride my bike how about a horse?  However, th...

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